Thursday 22 August 2024

The Silence of the Lambs Part 2- Venturing Into the Tiger's Den.

This is actually an update on my personal career since a restructuring exercise at my workplace approximately 2 years ago. To recap, those were poignant moments then when some of my colleagues were let go by our Headquarter (based overseas). My local Singaporean director heading the local business unit also left after disagreeing with the new remuneration package on offer by the HQ Big Boss. This was strange despite the business still being profitable.  There was no replacement and I was asked to be the lead General Manager for the local business and do double-hatting for both commercial and financial functions to save cost. Fast forward 2 years and the cat is finally out of the bag: The reason for what had transpired was due to an upcoming Merger and Acquisition ("M&A"). The Big Boss at our Headquarters had decided to sell away his business to a giant Global MNC. No wonder there were so many lambs being slaughtered over this period as he was so busy trimming cost throughout the entire Group. Apparently, he was striving to get as high a selling price as possible with magnificent profit numbers by roasting the lambs. 

1. Most dramatic turn of event.
My local Singaporean director who left previously is now in the acquirer Company HQ. Interestingly, it was revealed that he was recommended his current role at the new acquirer company by my current overseas Big Boss who connected him to the new business owner/acquirer. So, it turns out that eventually, I will still be working with my ex-local director albeit each of us in a different role capacity under the new owner. 

2. Venturing into the unknown- M&A Integration.
Many fellow managers and staff were extremely worried about the upcoming integration albeit much assurance from the HQ Big Boss (who is selling away his business) and also the new business owner that there will be no retrenchment within the next 2 years due to the upcoming integration exercise. It is like a Ripley's Believe It or Not moment. :)

In addition, I have no doubts that the usual higher level fight over control by the senior management will soon start. The new organisation is so humongous that a Manager is just a small fry inside. There seems to be plenty of Director level staff. The higher up "food chain" even have different Vice-Presidents and Presidents in different clusters.  

3. Going back to global MNC.
With such a big structured organisation filled with so many headcounts and departments, navigating through the complex human spider-web will be fraught with challenges. Not to mention the clamouring for credit during project work and pushing away of blame to other department or other personnel when there are screw-ups. So not exactly looking forward to it. Worked before in some of these big organisations but find things too structured at times. So went to a smaller organisation. Now I am back to square one it seems....hmmm. 

4. Importance of passive income during such moment.
Although I have not achieved financial independence, but the interest and dividend income from my half baked tiny investment portfolios do come into handy. At least I will be able to pay off basic housing mortgage and the kid's living and educational expenses if unfortunate events were to strike later on.

Parting thoughts
I am not sure one gets wiser as one gets older, But one does learn to dodge a certain amount of hell. :p

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