Monday, 3 March 2025

Upcoming US Recession and SREIT Rally From Lower Interest Rate Fallacy.

Wow, this is really bad news! Early US economic data for the first quarter of 2025 is pointing towards negative growth, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. If we have 2 consecutive quarters of negative growth, then techincally, the US would be in an economic recession. What this means is that the probability of two or even more Federal Reserve rate cuts has just increased drastically. 

1. The Call to Buy REITs as Interest Rate Cuts Will Mean Huge Savings in Financing Cost is a Fallacy.
Interestingly, a number of folks on social media have mentioned that now maybe the best time to buy into REITs which have been performing badly and in the doldrums. Nevertheless, it is important to note that a financing cut may not lead to a rally in SREIT market price because the main factor is still whether the REIT can continue to generate sustainable rental income. Many businesses will be severely impacted and there will be increased in bankruptcy from firms and consumers. There will also be widespread retrenchment of staff (which we are already seeing for a number of years).   

Not suprisingly, during past recessions, most of the REITs will have substantial drop in their market price (along with the broad market sentiment) despite a lower interest rate environment. So far, I have not seen REITs price rally in past recessions. Do remember that REITs are still equities afterall and underlying business fundamentals are still the essential determinant of its market price. This is unlike bonds instrument whereby their market price soar when interest rate is being cut- this is the basic 101 inverse relationship of bond price vs the market financing rate.  

2. REITS I Will Try Avoiding During Recession
Personally, I will be avoiding the following REITs sector:

(1) Hospitality REITs- if everyone is struggling with bread and butter, no one will be in the mood for travelling; demand will thus plunge. 

(2) Office Commercial REITs- Too cyclical and unpredictable.

Instead, I think that shopping mall REITs (Frasers Centrepoint Trust and Lendlease REIT) as well as Industrial REITs (backed by Temasek Holdings) will be a safer buy while waiting for the market to recover.  Special theme REIT like strip malls with grocery focused business (United Hampshire US REIT) should also be a safer place to ride out the recession. 

Parting Thoughts
With a narrowing net interest margin spread, bank stocks like DBS, UOB & OCBC will find their earnings dipping soon as they have peaked. SREITs will also be in the doldrum for at least another year or two. So will you folks be making any adjustment to your current portfolios?

Saturday, 1 March 2025

Investment Portfolios Updates (28 February 2025) - Net Investment of S$722K and Projected Annualised Passive Income of S$47K.

My total gross investment rebounded back to over S$1Mil while net investment after margin loan hovers around S$722K. While SREITs continue to perform miserably with a steep drop again recently, the overall portfolio was propped up by a sudden +S$30K rally in my China stock holdings of Alibaba, Ping An, Link REIT, Bank of China ("BOC") and Industrial & Commercial Bank of China ("ICBC"). 

1. Portfolio 1- Stocks held in SGX Central Depository 
Not much changes here except to mention about Haw Par Corporation which declared a special S$1 per share of dividends on top of the usual dividends. This announcement led to a sudden spike in the share price of Haw Par.

2. Portfolio 2- Margin purchased securities
(Note: My margin purchased securities has grown to a sufficient scale to sustain itself and can pay off annual financing charges as well as to gradually pay down the margin loan through dividends generated.) 
Mapletree Industrial Trust ("MIT") crashed recently to below S$2 per unit due to analysts report that its US Data Centres will have tenants exiting and the vacancy will rise. This maybe a good opportunity to buy more of MIT which has a high distribution yield of 6.85%. Even with the upcoming fall in occupancy from its data centres in US, there will be enough buffer cushion for a 5.5% to 6% yield. The market perception of MIT prospects seems extremely pessimistic. 

3. Portfolio 3 (with Tiger Brokers and MooMoo) 
(Venture into higher risk as well as capital growth stocks here)
Alibaba finally came roaring back to life after the Deep Seek. It has strangely morphed into an AI Tech company. 

4. Portfolio 4 (Endowus Unit Trusts & Other Investments)
I have continued to put in additional capital into the Endowus Higher Income Portfolio since the last update in December 2024. 

Parting Thoughts
I have approximately S$13.2K of dividends payment for re-deployment in March 2025. Out of these, I intend to utilise S$6.7K to pay down the margin loan. Another S$6.5K will be used for either reinvesting into SREITs which are at rock bottom or buying into Endowus bond funds. 

Friday, 28 February 2025

The Mysterious Woman Behind the City Development Ltd Family Dispute.

I was surprised to read that Mr Kwek Leng Beng, 84 years old, is still helming City Development Ltd ("CDL") as Executive Chairman- I would have retired at age 65 years old (if not 55 years old ideally) to enjoy my old age.  Worst still, Mr Kwek Leng Beng has brought a lawsuit against his son, Mr Sherman Kwek, for attempting a coup and wanting to remove him as Group CEO of CDL. This seems surreal and something that only happens in Hong Kong TVB drama. As a result of the chaos, investors are jittery over the future of CDL.

1. Mysterious Woman That Caused the Rift Between Father and Son
Since ancient times, disputes between human beings have always revolved around 3 matters, namely, (i)Money; (ii) Power and (iii) Woman. Mr Sherman Kwek had mentioned that Dr Catherine Wu, who had a "long relationship" with his father Kwek Leng Beng, interfered in matters "well beyond her scope". The attempted removal of Dr Catherine Wu seems to be the main trigger of the current legal battle between father and son as per Mr Sherman Kwek. 

2. CDL Share Price Disasterous Performance Over the past 5 years. 
CDL's share price has been a disaster for the past 5 years which saw it plummenting from S$9.77 per share in February 2020 to the current S$5.12 per share as at 27 February 2025. Mr Kwek Leng Beng has mentioned disasterous foray into China property market which saw the group losing S$1.9 billion dollars as part of a series of missteps of Sherman Kwek. The elder Kwek pointed to past business decisions under his son's leadership that have "put CDL in a precarious position", including a S$1.9 billion loss from CDL's investment in Chinese developer Sincere Property in 2020 and poor returns from UK property ventures.

Parting Thoughts
Interestingly, CDL net assets per share as at last publised 2024 results is S$10.17 per share. Hence current market price is 50.3% off its NTA per share. If CDL's share price crash further due to the current legal fiasco, maybe it will present a good opportunity to acquire some CDL shares with additional safety buffer. Afterall, CDL is a long standing organisation with well functioning internal structures in place. Once the dust is off the board of directors infighting, CDL will be up and running as per normal. 

Friday, 21 February 2025

United Hampshire US REIT Released Another Set Of Disappointing Numbers for FY2024.

I thought that United Hampshire US REIT ("UHREIT) released another poignant set of of 2nd half and also full year 2024 results amidst the inflation nightmare as well as the higher interest rate environment driving up financing cost. I am heavily vested in UHREIT, hence keeping a close eye on it. Despite grave disappointment over the past 3 years where we saw the market price of UHREIT as well as its distributable income dropping non-stop, there is still some consolation in that its latest balance sheet has strengthen with aggregate leverage ratio declining to 38.9%. This is certinaly remarkable given that it used to be towering near the 42%+ range. Let me just do a quick recap of the financial summary from FY2022 to FY2024 below.

1. 2023 vs 2022- Spike in Finance Cost Dragging Down Overall Results in 2023
2023 vs 2022

Finance cost was a major killer in FY2023 which increased by a whopping +32.2% from US$12.2 Mil in 2022 to US$16.1 Mil in 2023.

2. 2024 vs 2023- Spike in Finance Cost Gradually Stabilising and Hidden Unknown Downside Impact.
2024 vs 2023
For FY2024, finance costs of UHREIT continue to increase by +17% from US$16.1 Mil to US$18.9 Mil thus exerting downward pressure on Net Income before tax, fair value & gain on divestment of investment properties. If the 2 US rate cuts that was widely anticpated in FY2025 materialise, then rental escalation will finally be able to catch up to the higher interest rate environment.   

Nevertheless, there is one hidden downside from the back to office mandate from Donald Trump for government employees as well as US Corporate Bosses. On slide 8 of the power point deck, UHREIT management team has always been asserting that "On the other hand, the Strip Center sector has benefitted from the remote work arrangements trend as the additional flexibility has increased demand for the goods and services offered in Strip Centers, ranging from grocery shopping to dining. Strip Center sector values have increased 22% since June 2020".  So, does this mean valuation will head south soon given the back to office drive in US?

3. Distribution by UHREIT and Key Dates
For those still hanging on to UHREIT, do take note that the Ex-date of 2nd half distribution is on 26 February 2025 while the payment date is 28 March 2025. Distribution per unit will be US$ 0.0205 per unit.

Parting Thoughts
Well, 2025 may turn out to be the much anticapted "breakthrough" year for UHREIT to deliver better results and meaningful higher DPU to long suffering unit-holders. Let's keep our fingers crossed that UHREIT will roar back to life in this new year of 2025!

Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Pritam Singh Found Guilty of Lying- Looks Like Aljunied GRC Will Remain with Workers' Party.

First and foremost, I have originally no intention to comment on the guilty judgement by the local judiciary. But as a layman, I am just extremely curious on how the issues on hand can be decided by trial to determine whether something is a lie or not a lie. The only 100% certainty thing that can convince everyone is if there are videos taken or conversation recording to prove what he or she had said or not. Else everything becomes pretty judgemental albeit circumstantial evidences and witness statements, is it not? Anyway, I am not a lawyer, so I am resigned to being clueless on how these legal thingy works.  

Additionally, worst thing is does this issue even matter when there are larger issues at stake for Singaporeans such as high inflation effect on daily bread and butter matters. Personally, I thought that it is an enormous waste of public resources and time. Also, I read that Mr Singh is going to launch an appeal to the higher courts with regard to the the soap opera continues. 

This trial of Mr Pritam Singh will only lead to more support and sympathy vote for him during the upcoming General Election. So looks like Aljunied GRC will remain with the opposition for another term.

Monday, 17 February 2025

US Office Commercial REITs Facing Bleak Future Outlook Despite Back To Office Mandate.

While many US Corporations have been increasingly forcing their workers back to office, it seems that the hope for US Office Commercial REIT to rally closer to their NTA value per unit relative to the current depressed market trading price maybe dashed soon. The upside factor of interest rate cut and back to office mandate by the US Federal government and CEOs of US global corporations are being offset by the termination of office leases from rapid downsizing of the Federal government.

1. Interest Rate Cut by the Fed in 2024 Reduces Financing Pressure on Commercial REITs 
The 0.5% cut in September followed by subsequent cuts of 0.25% respectively in Nov 2024 and Dec 2024 brought down US financing rate by about 1% overall. This also makes it more conducive to borrow funds either for CAPEX or purchase of commercial building.]

2. Weaker Bargaining Chip of Workers Due to Increasing Signs of Softness in US Labour Market
US labour market have been showing signs of weakening. US workers thus does not have the same type of bargaining power that they once did. So, when the head of various US Corporations start to exert pressure for staff to be physically back office to work, workers have to suck thumb and follow the new guidance. JP Morgan and Amazon are leading examples of corporations clamping down harshly on remote work and expected their staff to be back in office 5 days a week. The era of remote working may soon be a thing of the past.

Also, Donald Trump has ordered US Fed workers to be back office. This lead by govrnment example also boosted the ground for the private sector bosses to recall back their remote working staff. Therotically, this should drive back up demand for office space.

3. DOGE Targets To Cut Federal Government Office Leases
Recently, there was a discussion based on report by Trepp Research and Insights which mentioned that a sizable user of office space is the federal government which leased almost 150 million square feet of office space across the US and contributed rental income of $5 billion to the office commercial sector. While Fed workers have been asked to go back office, DOGE seems to be right-sizing the number of Fed employees. In fact, the federal government has already started terminating short term office leases and is eyeing for bigger lease cut. 

Summarising, the dark cloud surrounding US Office REITs will not be over soon. The drag on demand and occupancies for office commercial may last for 4-5 years.

Sunday, 16 February 2025

Thoughts on Alibaba Surging More Than 50% Within 3 Weeks- Time To Sell Or Hold On?

I have been extremely busy with work these days with major projects coming in one after another and not really fully monitoring my various investment portfolios. It therefore came as a big surprise to me (Stunned like a vegetable) to find that Alibaba (HK9988) has surged by more than 50% within 3 weeks. My position in Alibaba is neither big nor current cost quantum is around S$33K per record at an average of HKD77. Recently, I was astounded when I looked at my trading App. The sleeping giant had suddenly awaken.
1. Beneficiary of DeepSeek Rally and iPhone AI Partner in China
The mind-boggling spike in share price seems to be primarily driven by the DeepSeek AI rally and also the announcement of Iphone partnering with iPhone for their China market. When Alibaba unveiled its own latest version of AI after the DeepSeek announcement, it created quite a big stir for its incredulous progress. In addition, Alibaba has also invested in many AI firms. Simply put, Alibaba is now China's AI darling. It has morphed from an E-commerce company to an AI Tech company- at least, this is what the market perceive for now. 

2. Sell Immediately To Take Profit or Hold On?
Alibaiba (HK9988) seems to be a very volatile counter. In 2022, it dropped a whopping 30% from HKD100 to HKD 71 in less than a week- simply too unpredictable. It also has periods where it  languished for the longest time in the HKD70-HKD80 per share range. While it is tempting to just sell off to lock in the profits based on the historical lesson of huge rally running out of steam and then self implosion shortly, I think that I will be holding on to it for a longer term to see whether its AI transformation story can take it futher to become a multibagger winner. Its financial PE ratio is also still attractive despite the sharp rally in stock price this past week. 

Parting Thoughts
Since my stake in Alibaba is neither here nor there (not material enough), I guess I will just leave it in my portoflio without further action. The China AI rally has also helped breathe life into my other current China holdings such as Link REIT, Ping An and China banking stocks. This does somewhat helped to offset the disasterous performance of SREITs recently. 

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

The End of Paragon REIT- Eaten Up By Hungry Lions!

The seemingly wonderful announcement of an offer by Cuscaden Peak to buy out the minority unit-holders of Paragon REIT at S$0.98 per unit lead to a sudden surge in its market perfromance as at 11 February 2025. While Paragon REIT soared 11.2% in a single trading day to become the best performing SREIT of the day, some unit-holders are crying poignantly as they have bought Paragon REIT at S$1.00 to S$1.10 per unit before the high interest rate environment became the norm post-COVID that leads to the downward spiral in its market unit price.

1. Hungry Lions Butchered Retail Investors
While this latest offer of S$0.98 per unit is way better than the S$0.9372 per unit offered back in 2022, it nevertheless is way undervaluing the crown jewel, Paragon shopping mall. Furthermore, it is actually a free-hold property but financial engineered into a 99 years leasehold when injected by the then SPH into SPH REIT (currently renamed Paragon REIT) and we all know that it is sitting in the prime area of Orchard Road.  

I will take it with a pinch of salt that Cuscaden is playing hero to take up the extremely risky option (as per their insinuation) of major asset enhancement initiative ("AEI") of S$300Mil to S$600Mil over 4 years hence willing to buyout the minority unit-holders due to the execution risk. The truth is that Cuscaden is a commercial organisation that seeks to maximise profits for its shareholders. Their accountants, along with their commercial team,  would have done a detailed financial projection of the future prospect to recoup back the upcoming CAPEX to achieve a favourable reward to risk outcome.  
In view of Paragon shopping mall's future outlook post AEI, I thus think that a more reasonable price would be at least 20% in premium to its NAV of S$0.915, that is, at least S$1.098 per unit.

2. Will I take up the offer or vote against the offer if vested?
Note that I do not hold any units in Paragon REIT directly but my family members held around 11,000 units since 2019. I think that most REITs investors are more interested in a decent & stable distribution yield of 5% to 6% per annum. The AEI initiative will lead to a drastic plunge in distribution for the next 3-4 years as Clementi Mall will be left doing the heavy lifting during this period. I will probably be lobbying for my family members to just accept the offer and then move on to invest in other opportunities. The only issue is that of the late payment timeline of May 2025 (even if the EGM went through). Of course, if the REITs price crash further during this period, then Paragon REIT holder will benefit from the locked in S$0.98 per unit and vice versa if market price suddenly surge if interest rate decline more rapidly than expected.
Parting Thoughts
Personally, I do not like this deal as I do not find it very attractive or compelling enough for unit-holders. It would be great if Cuscaden can revise its offer upward by another 10%. But then again, there is a lack of clear direction for the growth of Paragon REIT given that its major unit-holders seems to have bought it to strip out its remaining investment properties. So, I am leaning towards the just sell and move on to other investment opportunities albeit the non-attractive offer. 

P.S: Please see my previous other post on Paragon/SPH REIT on 2 May 2022

Monday, 27 January 2025

The Rise Of DeepSeek That Does Artificial Intelligence at a Fraction Of Traditional AI.

Wow, the China developer of DeepSeek managed to setup and train its latest generative Artificial Intelligence ("AI") model at only US$5.6Mil relative to ChatGPT's US$100Mil which is just a fraction of its setup cost. Just when some folks were wondering whether this is a fake claim, the other shock that comes out is that it is open-source and anyone can just look in and see for themselves. 

This startling relevation will bring about chaos in the global stock markets for this week. Looks like AI sytems can be designed using cheaper Graphic Processing Units ("GPUs"). This is certainly not a too happy relevation for Nvidia and its stock price may decline while Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) GPUs may now be marketed as a serious and viable alternative to the faster GPUs from its rival Nvidia. Hopefully, the popular AI theme stocks do not decline too much else it may affect the overall global stocks markets. 

(Updated 28 Jan 2025: The bloodbath from DeepSeek threat wiped out US$1 trillion from worldwide Tech stocks with Nvidia valuation dropping by a whopping US$600 billion (-16.8%) overnight. Even SREITs with data centre focus theme such as Mapletree Industrial Trust , Keppel DC REIT and DigiCore REIT were not spared and saw a significant dip of -2.73%, -7.93% & - 6.03% respectively in a single day.) 

Tuesday, 21 January 2025

The Sabana REIT Disaster and Chaotic Infighting- 溏心风暴!

The latest fiasco revolving around Sabana REIT is an ex-director and unit-holder, Charlie Chan Wai Kheong, has made a requistion for an EGM after gathering support of several other unit-holders to have the minimum more than 10% holdings. Makes one wonder whether ESR is one of the myesterious unit-holders in support of Charlie given his close relationship and past dealings with them. The main essence of the agenda is to make the Manager of Sabana REIT undertake a sale discovery process for the market value of the investment properties held as a precusor to a sale. According to Charlie, the sales of all the major assets of Sabana REIT will offer the best return to all unit-holders instead of the current manager internalisation exercise which has already incurred additonal expenses of S$10.2Mil. For the fun of it, Charlie Chan had previously been rejected from his proposed nomination into the Board of Directors in 2022 AGM. Quarz Capital, an institutional investor who was leading a dissent against Chan’s appointment, had long pointed to potential conflicts of interest given his substantial stake in AIMS APAC REIT and given his prior business dealings with ESR Cayman. 

This means that the requested EGM will add further complication to the already ongoing tussle and further distract the management from its main business of running Sabana REIT.

1. Price Discovery Request Not At All Bad- Depending on One's Entry Price
The current market unit price of Sabana REIT is trading at S$0.370 per unit as at 20 January 2025 while tangible book value per share is at S$0.520 per unit. This is an almost +40% upside if the price discovery process turned out that there are willing buyers who can pay as much as what the valuers are forecasting and offer a good opportunity for all unit-holders to to exit their investments. But don't be too surprised if ESR Group turned up to be one of the buyers. They have been eyeing on the investment properties of Sabana REIT for a long time and very nearly got away with a good bargain price before Quartz came into the picture to frustrate their efforts. Personally, I thought that Quartz and ESR are eternal rivals and the current tussle for control is far from over.

2. Valuation Reports Done and Price Discovery Process Request Can Be Very Different Creature Altogether.
Another point to note is that the valuation done during the financial year end by management and relied on by external auditors is just an abstract and assembly of valuation techniques. It can be as simple as a present value of all future rental income forecast over the expected life of the properties or just an adjustment of parameters of another similar propery in the vincinity to derive a market value. But this year end valuation report may not reflect the exact realisable value and thus a totally different creature relative to the price discovery requistion from Charlie.

For example, there were a lack of buyers for US Office Commercial real estates as banks were unwilling to lend them funds for acquisition even if the valuation appears to be high.

Parting Thoughts
Personally, I thought that the current fiasco will only further distract Sabana REIT's management team from focusing on the running of the business and ongoing internalisation exercise. All stakeholders will be equally worst off. Nevertheless, being listed means that one has to respect the wishes of all other unit-holders who maybe having second thoughts on the initial support for internalisation and wanted a quick exit strategy.

Wednesday, 15 January 2025

First REIT Announced Major Tenant Buying Over Hospitals- The Art of Destroying Unit-Holders Value.

In August 2024, it was announced in media that Indonesian conglomerate Lippo Karawaci has officially sold most of its stake in local hospital chain Siloam International Hospitals to CVC Capital Partners, which has become the majority stakeholder. Following hot on the heel of this major acquisition, the new owner, CVC Capital Partners, has made another offer to buy over the physical buildings from First REIT where their hospital businesses are being operated. Siloam makes up approximately 39% of First REIT annual rental income which makes this upcoming deal a major one. First REIT has a very interesting history and I was once vested in it. It used to trade at S$1 per unit and then got thrown under the bus by its sponsor, the Lippo Karawaci group to become its current sorry state. Let me recap below.

History of First REIT being run to the Ground by its Sponsor and Management Team
In 2020, Lippo Karawaci plans to default on the rental income support for Siloam hospitals stipulated in the rental agreements. The sponsor has cleverly crafted it as a "rental restructuring" instead of a planned default. Since the "rental restructuring" forced down on retail unit-holders, First REIT market unit price has collapsed from its glorious day of S$1 per unit. 
The subsequent rights issue exercise at 50% discount off its last traded market price of S$0.405 per unit as at 24 December 2020 sunk First REIT into oblivion. For those interested, can read my previous post here:

2. Is this deal good for Unit-Holders?
We have to await further news from the acquirer, CVC Capital Partners, on their exact offer package. But since the ulitmate owner, Lippo Karawaci, already "signalled" abandoning the Siloam ship, it seems that First REIT will most likely be selling it off and then buying other medical properties or nursing homes with the sales proceed.  

My guess is its current direct Sponsor OUE Healthcare (related to Lippo Karawaci), will start to inject and monetise some of its assets into First REIT given the sales proceed from the sales of Siloam hospitals. Whether you like or dislike the properties owned by OUE Healthcare is another issue. 

Parting Thoughts
I will not be surprised if Lippo Karawaci starts to throw unit-holders of First REIT under the bus again with the kick off of the disposal exercise relating to the Siloam assets. In the meantime, the poignant saga continues. Strange that there are finfluencers who are recommending First REIT as a good buy since medical REITs cashflow are deemed resilient in nature- but from what happened during these past 4 years, I am highly skeptical of such assertion. 

Sunday, 12 January 2025

Is US Commercial Office Recovering Or Crashing in 2025? Hope or Depression for Manulife US REIT, Prime REIT and Keppel Pacific Oak REIT?

Is the US Commercial Office recovering or going to crash further in 2025? I guess the answer is it depends on who you are asking this question. Long suffering unit-holders of Manulife US REIT, Prime US REIT and Keppel Pacific Oak US REIT have seen their investments pummeled to just a tiny fraction of their original investments. Worst still, distributions have been cut or halted for a long time. On one hand, the higher interest rate environment effect is still ongoing even in 2025 as some office landlords need to refinance their previous locked in offices loans at the current higher rates. On the other hand, there are lesser office supply coming online as well as surge in conversion of office into residential uses which lead some to believe that 2025 will be the market bottom for the US Commercial Office sector hence a rebound is imminent going forward.  

1. The case for market crash of US Office REIT in 2025 and recovery only from 2040.
The Straits Times on Nov 21, 2024 has published an article that has a forecast by Capital Economics that United States office buildings are unlikely to regain their peak pre-pandemic values until at least 2040 as demand for desk space weakens. It further mentioned that values of these offices are expected to plunge by 35 per cent from the peak by the end of 2025 and take an incredulous 15 years or more to recover! This seems to be an extremely pessimistic view. This is also in total contradiction to the view of CBRE and Jones Lang Lasallee. 

2. The case for belief that the US commercial office market has bottomed in Q4 2024.
I thought that the global real estate and investment managmeent group of Jones Lang LaSallee USA ("JLL") has gathered pretty interesting hardcore statistics to back up the case that US office market has bottomed in Q4 of 2024 and that 2025 may see the start of recovery of the office market. One can read more of it here for their report.

<Quote from JLL>:
The culmination of 2024 marked another key development in the recovery of the U.S. office market—as leasing activity has accelerated over the course of the year, Q4 was the first quarter of positive net absorption since Q4 2021, and just the second quarter of occupancy gain since the onset of the pandemic in 2020. Leasing activity has established post-pandemic highs for the past three consecutive quarters, and Q4 volume reflected more than 92% of pre-pandemic averages. 
</Quote from JLL>
Demand has returned to pre-COVID with Net absorption positive in Q4 2024.

Supply Reduction & Employer Pressure Return to Office

US Office Supply Reduction via Conversion of office to residential, revedopment and Demolition

Parting Thoughts
Personally, I though that the US Office market has bottomed given that Q4 2024 positive net absorption confirmed the Q3 2024 signs of rebound with the shifting patterns of office attendance and US Fed interest rate cuts in September 2024 and November 2024 driving slightly more favourable conditions for US office landlords. Nevertheless, I do not think it will be an instant recovery in 2025 and may take a few years for recovery. So US office REITs are not out of the wood yet. I have continued to hold my stakes in Keppel Pacific Oak REIT but will not be adding more units. I do hope that once Elon Musk and his Department of Government Efficiency start axing many US government employees that are stubbornly still working from home albeit the lack of productivity, it will send a message to the private sector employees to get back to office to work- the US office market may recover strongly in 2025 onwards if this is the case. 

Friday, 3 January 2025

Central Provident Fund Personal Updates 2025- Moving Towards Enhanced Retirement Sum Using Special Account.

Time to document my CPF retirement goal update. I will only be sharing my CPF Special Account here as I find the balances in the CPF Ordinary Account ("OA")  and Medisave account are irrelevant for my retirement income planning. Reason being that for CPF OA, amount here will eventually be fully utilised to pay down my housing mortgage as I do not plan to work till age 65 years old and targeting an early retirement. As for Medisave, my parents do not have much medical insurance coverage and I think that I will most likely exhaust all the balances here into their future healthcare. I have seen my cousins Medisave being drawn down to zero for medical expenses for medical payment on behalf as their parents similarly do not have much health insurances or sufficient medisave-this issue always reminded me of the Sandwich Generation video from Income Ltd in 2019.

1.Target for Future Retirement Account
Currently, my special account has a balance of S$266K as of 2 January 2025. My personal CPF special account target is for it to reach S$426K (based on the new 4 times basic retirement sum 2025). Even thought I think I can only achieve 3 times basic retirement sum, think it is good to have a higher benchmark target of S$426K. 

2. Interest Income- S$10.8K for Special Account
Hopefully, our Singapore government maintains the 4% risk free rate for all CPF holders for the next decade. With a passive S$10.8K of interest income being credited, this effectively mean at least another S$100K growth in the CPF Retirement Account every 10 years.

Parting Thoughts
I think that it is hard to beat a risk free 4% offered by the CPF board backed up by our Singapore Government. So I am contended to just let it grow gradually by itself instead of taking out for balanced fund investments albeit very tempted at times to do it. I will do my own retirement planning properly....I will be the last Sandwich Generation!