Tuesday 13 August 2024

Opportunity To Acquire This Quality Non-Banking Blue-Chip That Has Dropped 20% from its Peak.

I thought that now is a good opportunity to accumulate more shares of this blue-chip on SGX which has dropped 20% from its peak this year albeit the not too bad operating results.  Accumulated 2 tranches at S$6.20 per share (700 shares) and S$5.93 per share  (1,000 shares) on 2 Aug 2024 and 8 Aug 2024 respectively. 
Please see below for my latest video on YouTube channel. Going forward, I will be posting various exclusive investment contents onto my YouTube channel only. Please subscribe to my YouTube channel also to get the latest content for sharing.


  1. Hi Blade, great video! Totally agree with Keppel being a steal right now. Been following their filings & Q&As closely and I believe management is still on track for their 2030 vision. Looking to accumulate near current levels!

    1. Hi PL Bro, good to hear from you again! How's your internship thus far? :)

    2. Hi Blade! Thanks for checking in! Been learning more about accounting so hopefully I'll be able to apply my knowledge learnt towards stock analysis! After learning the ropes I've had a bit more leeway in terms of free time so have been following closely with regards to the recent stock market developments alongside my holdings!

  2. KC is on track for its AUM growth.
    Dunno why it suddenly crash to $5.8, but for 5% div I'd say better buy than a REIT.
    Also, waiting to see what other freebies coming.
    1st Seatrium free shares
    2nd K reit free shares
    But the Jackpot is the Offshore legacy Rigs that were not part of Kfels sale. Last i remember, still worth 4B. Let's wait for that.

    1. Hi Damn, yup….not sure why Keppel suddenly crashed to S$5.80 per share. Interestingly, it has since recovered to S$6.15 and post ex-dividends of 15 cents.
      Wow, offshore rigs worth $4B? Hope they monetize that and give back to us shareholders wor. Thanks for sharing this. :p
