Wednesday 25 September 2024

Why Dividends Are Irrelevant And Don't Matter!

The topic of "Why Dividends Are Irrelevant And Don't Matter" was posted recently by a famous local YouTuber which has once against stirred up lots of emotion online judging by the comments left on his video...haha.  He has over 100K of subscribers. What he says is true in theory but is just bullsh*** in reality as there is simply no stock market with perfect information in terms of valuation of stocks being traded by buyer and seller. This was also covered in my Accounting Theory module decades ago. According to one school of thought, dividends are irrelevant so that the amount of dividend paid has no effect on the valuation of a firm. Also share price will drop by the same amount after the dividends are being declared. 

The crux of the MM position on the irrelevance of dividend is the arbitrage argument. Arbitrage refers to entering simultaneously into two transactions which exactly balance or completely offset each other.

The two transactions here are the acts of paying out dividends and raising external funds. When dividends are paid to the shareholders, the market price of the share will decrease. What is gained by the investors as a result of increased dividends will be neutralised completely by the reduction in the market value of shares.

2. Why Dividend Strategy Adopters Are Always Presumed to be Stupid or Adopting an Inferior Approach?
First and foremost, I do not understand why people keep on posting such topics to whack dividend investing. Of course, all dividend investors know that fundamental of a company are important and that one cannot just invest in a company with the highest yield in dividends to determine good or bad companies. 

3. Thoughts on Dividend Investing
I will just write a short paragraph here as there are already many posts and online materials available on what are some of the good side of dividend investing. For example, the past 2 years of SREITs Bear market that hammered their prices to crazy low means that if you sell away your REITs to buy into other form of assets due to a change in your diversification & concentration review, you will not be able to enjoy the recent strong rally in their prices after the rate cut. The dividends being declared will help investors to use them for investment into other asset classes while retaining ownership of one's REIT holding to wait for a recovery from the bear market.   

Parting Thoughts
If you believe that growth investing approach such as investing in companies like Tesla that pays little or zero dividends, then go ahead. It's a free what one likes lor. But don't discount another person strategy due to one's own blind spot.

This is not the first time I seen this kind of post by the above mentioned You-Tuber. He also has another group channel with other finance influencers (think it is called the "Bagholders Pod") which has also launched similar anti-dividend investing content this year to generate views. 

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