Wednesday 24 August 2022

Forgetting And Leaving Laptop Unattended for 30mins And Miraculously It Is Still There.

I think that Singapore has indeed one of the lowest crime rate in the world. This morning, while having early breakfast with a colleague at McDonald's, we were initially seated outdoor of the restaurant. My colleague changed her mind as it was rather dusty outside and decided to shift indoors where it is cleaner and cooler. So we rushed into McDonald air-con indoor premises. 

After finishing our chit-chat and breakfast (almost 30mins), my colleague suddenly exclaimed in terror that her laptop bag is not with her and panic. Then she recalled she had placed it on the seat outside McDonald's and forgot to bring it in. She quickly sprinted outside to look for the laptop and miraculously managed to find it intact at the same spot! This is despite many people going by the outdoor area already. 

Singaporeans also seem very confident and trusting in our society. I seen some folks leaving their bags and laptops at foodcourts and hawker centres while they go on to buy their food at the food stalls. Leaving bags besides tissue paper to "Chope" tables and seats thus also seemed to be a popular Singaporean culture. On this, I recalled an incident whereby the tissue chope does not work to guarantee a seat every time. There was once an elderly man who just picked up the tissue on the table and throw it away and sat down. The choped owner came back with food and had an ugly spat with the Uncle who is now sitting on the "reserved" table. Hard to judge who should be awarded the seat in such event- Singaporean unique societal norms/culture of "chope" VS first come first get it in person arguments....haiz!

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